想你:When you're alone, do you think of me

When you're alone, do you think of me? 當你寂寞的時候,你會想我嗎?

They've promised that dreams can come true, but forget to mention that nightmares are dreams, too. 都說夢境都可以成真,但他們忘了說噩夢也是夢。

想你:When you're alone, do you think of me

Days are gone, hours left, minutes went, seconds moving, but still in my heart a space is empty for you. 時光荏苒,分秒流逝,在我心裡卻始終為你空著一片地方。

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words. 讓夢想大於膽怯,讓行動強於語言。

想你:When you're alone, do you think of me

Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. 永遠別說再見,因為再見意味著離開,而離開意味著遺忘。

You've got one life, one chance. And what you do with it is up to you. 你只有這一輩子,只有這一次機會。要怎麼做完全取決於你。

想你:When you're alone, do you think of me

Maybe some people are just passing through to teach us a lesson. 也許有些人經過,只是為了給我們上一課。

All I need is someone who can stay no matter how hard it is to be with me. 我需要的只是一個人可以不管有多難,都陪著我。

想你:When you're alone, do you think of me

It sucks when you know that you need to let go but you can't because you're still waiting for the impossible to happen.當你知道你需要放手,但你做不到,因為你還在等待不可能的事情發生,這種感覺太糟了。

Mirrors lie. They don’t show you what’s inside. 鏡子會撒謊,它們照不出內心。

