愛上雙語(27):Time can bring magical changes into our lives

愛上雙語(27):Time can bring magical changes into our lives

The healing power of time is legendary. When the sky turn to grey, it can be hard to imagine brighter days ahead. When you feel your heart has been crushed, you wonder how you can overcome the pain and anguish.


Time can bring about the most magical changes in our lives. All you need to do is to add in a little faith. If you can visualize a positive outcome and hold on that vision, no matter what the healing power of time will prove itself to you. Perhaps the most helpful thing you can do, meanwhile, is seek a distraction. Try to find something meaningful that you can turn to.


愛上雙語(27):Time can bring magical changes into our lives

Creative activities can have an amazing healing influence. In times of acute stress you can immerse yourself almost instantly. Most of us are able to put pen to paper; the act of writing, drawing or painting has the power to quickly absorb your thoughts and shift your energies. Maybe you could turn your hand to sculpting. Have you thought of trying poetry?


愛上雙語(27):Time can bring magical changes into our lives

Remember, the anguish you may feel right now is only temporary. Try to relax and make yourself better by the healing power of time.

記住,你現在感到的痛苦只是暫時的。努力放鬆心情, 讓時間來療傷吧。

愛上雙語(27):Time can bring magical changes into our lives

