there be句型詳細講解(二)


一、There be+主語

這種句式表示事物的客觀存在,There be放在句首,而把真正的主語放在後面,可以用來表示現在時、過去時、完成時和將來時。

例1:There is a boy on the playground.操場上有個男孩。

例2:There has been a lot of rain this month. 這個月雨水很多。

例3:There will be an announcement soon. 不久會發佈告。

二、There are + n(複數名詞/不可數名詞)+ and + n(複數名詞/不可數名詞)


例1:There are friends and friends. 朋友有種種,有益友,有損友。

例2:There is tea and tea. 茶葉有好有差。

三、 There be+名詞+分詞


例1:There is a man sitting on the fence. 有個人正坐在籬笆上。

例2:There was a car stolen last night. 昨晚有輛車被偷了。


例1:There is a boy playing with a puppy in the yard.

( = A boy is playing witha puppy in the yard.)


例2:There has been more money spent on armaments than on famine relief.

(=More money has been spent on armaments than on famine relief.)


四、There be+名詞+動詞不定式

這種句式中的及物動詞(動詞不定式)也可改成被動式, 意為"(沒)有……要做"。

例1:There is a lot of work to do (to be done). 有許多工作要做。

例2:There was no time to wait for you. 沒有時間再等你了。

注意:There is nothing to do與There is nothing to be done. 含義不同。前者意為:"無事可做",後者意為"沒有辦法"。試比較:

There is nothing to do-I'm bored.


(=There is nothing to entertain me.) 沒有什麼活動來消遣。

There is nothing to be done-we'll have to buy another one. 沒有辦法--我們只好另外買一個了。(= There is no way off putting it right.)

五、 There is+no+動名詞

這種句式可與"It is impossible+動詞不定式"替換,意為"無法做某事"。


There is no stopping him. (=It is impossible to stop him.)無法阻止他。

There is no guessing what will happen. 無法猜到將會發生什麼。

六、 There is(no) need for+名詞



There is no need for anxiety. 不需要擔心。

There is a great need for a book on this subject. 非常需要有一本關於這個題目的書。

七、 There is no need+動詞不定式


There is no need for him to come.不需要他來了。

There is no need (for you) to start yet.(你)現在還沒有必要動身。

八,There is no use+動名詞

該句式可與"It is no use+動名詞"互換,意為"……無用(無濟於事)"。例如:

There is no use waiting any longer.(=It is no use waiting any longer.) 再等下去是沒有用的。

There is no use(in) offering the olive branch now. 現在想和解也無濟於事了。

九, There is nothing / not anything like…

該句型中“nothing/ not anything like…”相當於“nothing / not anything better / more suitable than…”,意為“沒有什麼比……更好/更合適/更有效了”。

如: There is nothing like a book for taking you out of yourself. 沒有什麼比書更能使你解脫自己了。

There is nothing like walking as a means of keeping fit.


十, There is nothing more...than


There is nothing more dangerous than an illusion of security. 太平無事的想法是再危險不過的了。

十一,There is no(not any) point in+動名詞


There is no point in doing so. 這樣做是沒有意義的。

There is not any point in harping on the same old tune. 沒有必要再重複這一套。

十二,情態動詞及ought to,have to,used to用在there be結構中


There must be something wrong with the machine,for it doesn’t run well.


There oughtn’t to be too great a difference in our views.


There might be some good songs after all this trash.


If the power hadn't been cut off so quickly, there could have been a big fire.


十三, There is a possibility of(或that)


There is a possibility of my going to Denmark.

(= There is a possibility that I may be able to go to Denmark.) 我有可能去丹麥。

十四, There+人稱代詞+come(go)/there come(go)+名詞


There they come!他們來了!

There comes the bus at last!公共汽車終於來啦!

十五, There+動詞

這種句式只限於表示存在某種狀態、發生某種事或某事、某人到達等動詞,意義比there be 結構格更為生動貼切。如live, lie, seem, appear, happen, tand, exist, arise, enter, come, go, remain, exist, rise, occur, flow, arrive, enter, follow等。而不適用於表示一般具體行動的動詞。例如:

Many years ago,there lived an emperor who cared more for clothes than for anything else.


There stands a tall building across the river over there.


There goes the bell.鈴響了。

There comes a knock at the door.有人敲門。

There remains one question to be discussed.還剩一個問題要討論。

There seems to be something wrong about it. 這事好像有點兒不大對頭。

There appears to be no one who can answer this question. 看來沒人能夠回答這個問題。

There will follow an interval of five minutes. 隨後將有五分鐘的休息。

十六,There are/is certain(sure,likely)to be該結構的意義為肯定有/可能有。


Thereare like to be more difficulties than you were prepared for。


There are sure to be a restaurant some where。


十七,There +be+ed分詞+to be常用動詞有:say,expect,believe,consider,think,mean,構成信息來源模糊表達式。


There is/are said to be a number of wounded on both sides。


There is/are expected to be an exciting film next week。


十八、v + there to be

該結構中的動詞往往是:expect, want, intend, mean, consider, like, hate, prefer等接不定式做賓語的動詞。如:

We don’t want there to be any students falling behind. 我們不想有任何學生落後。

I should prefer there tobe no disscusion。我希望沒有討論。

動詞let後接there be 做賓語補足語。如:

Let there be no mis under standing。不要產生誤會。

十九、There being/having been是獨立主格結構,在句中作狀語。


There having been no rain for a long time, the ground was burned black by the sun.


二十、There(not) being/there(not) having been用作ing分詞的複合結構在句中做主語或賓語。


There being a bus stop so near the house is an advantage。(做主語)


I dreamed of there being a holiday tomorrow。


二十一,for ther to be 為不定式複合結構


For there to be no late comers was unusual。


It is not cold enough for there to be frost。


二十二,There is nothing for it but to do sth

該句型相當於“There is no choice but to do sth”,意為“別無他法,只能……”。如:

There is nothing for it but to do what is required. 只能按要求去做了,別無他法。(=I have no choice but to do what it required.)

