看寓言,學英語《The Fox and the Mask》

A fox once found his way into an actor's house. He looked into everything. He sniffed at the costumes hanging in rows in the cupboards. He dipped his nose in the jars of cream and paint on the dressing table and he turned out the trunks full of pointed shoes and hats with plumes and feathers. Lying at the bottom of one of the trunks he found a perfectly made actor's mask. It had a nose, a mouth, eyebrow and even eyelashes. The skin was carefully colored to look like real skin.


看寓言,學英語《The Fox and the Mask》

For a moment the fox thought it was a real face. Then chuckling at his mistake he said:


看寓言,學英語《The Fox and the Mask》

"What a fine looking head you are. It's a pity you have no brains behind you."


看寓言,學英語《The Fox and the Mask》

Beauty is no use without brains.


看寓言,學英語《The Fox and the Mask》

