
對於剛剛入門沒多久的外貿新人,大多都是不知道行業內的各種“默認”,以至稍不注意就掉坑了。只希望看了後這篇文後能識破這些坑,不再掉坑。 微搜外貿精英社,最新外貿資訊,外貿乾貨技巧!回覆“資料”免費領取外貿進階學習資料!

For people who are new in foreign trade, most of you don’t know about various kinds of unwritten rules therefore you get trapped by accident. I hope you can penetrate these after reading this article.


Means of transportation
Are you familiar with jargons of international shipping?
幾天前談好一個客戶,只要是發貨就可以了,可是貨代跟我說要收220美金的運費!我估算運費就80美金。跟客戶交流知道,他要求我“FOB”。然後算了FOB 的價格就報給客戶了,可原來他說的是CIF,白白虧了140美金。
Few days ago, everything was done except delivery. But forwarder asked me for 220 dollars of freight! I reckoned that the freight was 80 dollars. I talked to customers. FOB he said. I calculated the cost and I told customers while he was talking about CIF. I lost 140 dollars.
其實很多業務員,包括老外的客戶,他們並不是清晰的瞭解每一個貿易術語, 在交涉中,就像EXW與FOB 也經常混用一樣, 有時候他們表達的是一個意思。所以在弄清楚貨運方式的情況下, 要與客戶和貨代確認。
In fact, lots of traders including foreign customers don’t know quite about each standard trade terms. During the negotiation, they often mix EXW and FOB but sometimes they want to express one meaning. So we should ensure it with customers and forwarders about means of transportation.



Payment method
我們常用的付款方式有T/T, PayPal, Western Union.那這三個付款方式清楚嗎?
We usually use T/T, PayPal and Western Union. Are you clear about these?
客戶好不容易答應了我的價格,就想快點讓客戶付款,好把訂單捏在手裡,但客戶說他不會用T/T, 那我說用西聯吧,但是西聯整了2天都還沒整好,再整客戶都要跑了,於是提議客戶用Paypal,殊不知paypal扣了我兩百多手續費。
Customers finally agreed with my price. Then I wanted him pay quickly and I would be in relief. But the customers said he didn’t know how to use T/T. I suggested him use Western Union while Western Union didn’t make it quick. I suggested the customers use PayPal but PayPal charged me 200 dollars as handling charge.
1) Paypal :Paypal的手續費是階梯式的3.9%+0.3USD~~2.9%+0.3USD。這個是按你的月收款額來決定你下個月的費率的!Payal是適合小金額的收款,大概是幾百美金到幾千美金。現在的PP用戶,都是讓買家來負擔手續費的,一般在你的產品報價上加到4.4%就可以了。
PayPal: Handling charge of PayPal is multistep as 3.9%+0.3USD~~2.9%+0.3USD. Your rate of next month is in according to your monthly amount received. PayPal is suitable for small volume collection which ranges from serveral hundred dollars to serveral thousand dollars. Nowadays, PayPal users have the purchasers bear handling charge. Generally, it is 4.4% of your quoted price.
2) T/T:直接匯款到銀行帳戶,從打款至到賬一般需要2-10天的時間,各個國家時間有所不同。一般用於大金額,收款安全。
T/T: It remits directly to bank account. It takes 2 to 10 days from remittance to final receipt. The time varies from countries to countries. It is used when referring to large sum of money and it is very safe.



Factroy’s shipping time
We promise we’d deliever the goods on time but we didn’t make it. We may be criticized by customers and in more serious cases, we may be asked to compensate for customers’ loss.
有一個大客戶, 要貨緊, 我再三跟工廠強調一定要15號出貨而且允諾客戶15號出貨, 結果今天一問,還需要10天。
A major account wanted the goods fast. I repeatedly told the plants that the goods should be done before 15th and I promised customers we would deliver on 15th. Consequently, it still needed 10 days more.
First, we should promise customers that we would deliver the goods 5 to 15 days later on the base of factory’s delivery time.
Second, if it is very urgent, we should tell customers we are not able to finish the task. We can ask them if partial shipment is OK. If the answer is yes, we should pay attention to the extra fees and freight.


Uncertain quoted price
This is very common among the freshmen. They are not familiar with the price but they must respond promtly. So most of them made the offer. Finally, the quoted price is lower than it should be. You can’t explain and you can’t increase the price.
工廠說原料漲價了,成本增高,我要跟客戶解釋嗎? 可是客戶會覺得我做事不靠譜,不願意跟我合作了?如果不加價,就虧了,那肯定不行的,怎麼辦?
Manufacturer says there is a raise in price of raw materials. Should I explain to customers about the price increase? But what if customers think that I am unreliable and are not willing to cooperate with me? If I don’t increase the pric
e, I will loss money. That’s not going to happen. What should I do?
The price is the key of an order. If you are sure about the price, I don’t suggest you make the offer. You should make the offer after you are clear about the price. If the price is too high, the customers won’t give a care about you. If the price is too low, you’ll complete a failed order. Supposing that the customer has shown their intention, you should admit straight forward that you made the wrong offer. It may help you regain the order if you plead for their forgiveness.



Many freshmen are new in company and they are not familiar with the progress. It will be very troublesome if they make mistakes on making orders, amount, figure and names of products.
我把數量寫錯了,0和O連在一起工廠的人看錯了,本來是100ODERS ,廠的人急忙之下看成了1000。
I made an mistake on amout. It should have been 100 ODERS but the manufacturer mistaked it as 1000.
The invoices must be checked repeatly because it stands for orders. If it gets wrong, we will have to pay a heavy price to repair.

