03.07 關於口罩的10個問題(第二部分)10 Frequently asked questions about face masks (Part 2)


4. 什麼地方可以不用戴口罩?


5. 中間層燒不著的才是真口罩?


6. 什麼比口罩更重要?


10 Frequently asked questions about face masks (Part 2)

4. When is the facemask unnecessary?

You do not have to wear a facemask in open, well-ventilated and less crowded places. At this time of the year, the spring ploughing is in full swing. You don’t have to wear a mask when working on the field.

5. Is it true that the middle layer of a genuine face mask won’t catch fire?

Igniting the face mask is not a reliable way to test its authenticity. Such practice based on misinformation will lead to nothing but a waste of masks.

6. What matters more than face masks in preventing the epidemic?

In the short term, face masks are critical in preventing the spread of the virus. But the epidemic will eventually come to an end. In the long run, your immune system matters much more than face masks. You should do regular exercise and stay positive in everyday life. A healthy lifestyle is the best solution for you to get better prepared for any diseases to come.


