老外說no brainer,是說你沒腦子嗎?

如果有人對你說no brainer這樣的話時,你會不會下意識地聯想到“無腦” 這個詞呢?


no brainer actually means that something so simple or obvious that you do not need to think much about it,就是“很簡單無需用腦的事;顯而易見不傷腦筋的事”。

老外說no brainer,是說你沒腦子嗎?

在英語裡,我們可以用 no-brainer 來形容生活中極其簡單的事情,顯而易見的做法或者不假思索就能想到的。這個說法還可以用來強調、說明一個決定很容易做出,根本不需要傷腦筋去想。一般以單數形式出現:a no-brainer

比如說你喜歡的女生約你出去玩兒,It‘s a no brainer you will hang out with her.不用動腦筋想也知道你肯定會爽快地答應,對吧。

老外說no brainer,是說你沒腦子嗎?


This question is too easy. It’s a no-brainer.


When George had to choose between either sitting at home all day doing nothing or coming out with me for a bit of fun in the park, it was a no-brainer!


This sounds like a no-brainer, especially for those people with language skills.


老外說no brainer,是說你沒腦子嗎?

2.Rack your brains 絞盡腦汁

To rack one's brains is to strain mentally to recall or to understand something. 簡單地說呢,就是to think very hard

短語 rack someone's brains 的意思是為了記起某人或事而絞盡腦汁,或為了一件事而大傷腦筋。其中,單詞 rack 作動詞,指在精神及肉體上折磨。

I've been racking my brains for an hour trying to figure out where I might have met that guy before, but I just can't remember.


We have to rack our brains every day to think of what to eat for dinner.


老外說no brainer,是說你沒腦子嗎?

They asked me for fresh ideas, but I had none. I racked my brain, but couldn't come up with anything.


另外,rack your brains 除描述一個人因為一件事苦苦思索以外,還可以用作祈使句來命令或請求他人仔細思索,想出點子、計劃或方案等。

I need you to help me come up with three alternative plans for the project in two hours. So, rack your brains!


老外說no brainer,是說你沒腦子嗎?

學習可從來不是一件no brainer的事兒哦~輕鬆一課與大家分享了許多地道口語,大家都記住了哪些呢?不妨抽出一些時間,rack your brains to think about it.

