Things all getting better and better

"Things all getting better and better, if you are out of Guangzhou, out of China, no doubt of returning back. " Said by Charlene from South Africa who have been living in Guangzhou for 4 years. She successfully runs her wellness brand "Healthy living in China" online via wechat platform, while the outbreak stopped her face to face classes. She thinks so far China has done an excellent job with trying to recover and to bring the nation back together again.

“一切都越來越好了,如果你離開了廣州,離開了中國,你應該毫不猶豫地回來。” 來自南非並且已經在廣州生活了四年的夏琳說。疫情阻斷了她面對面的課程,但是夏琳通過微信平臺在網上成功運營了自己的健康項目“健康生活在中國”。她認為,到目前為止,中國在努力恢復和重建國家凝聚力方面做了出色的工作。

