




Get + Adjective/ Comparative

Get angry 憤怒

Mr. Davis never gets angry at work.

Get dark 天黑

She will leave the school before the day gets dark.

Get rich 富裕

They want to get rich as quickly as possible.

Get better 變好

They cannot go to Rome until their son gets better of his flue.

Get + Preposition (Phrasal Verb)

Get to 去

She gets to work by bus.

Get in 進入

My mother gets in the office at 8 a.m.

Get through

完成,幹完(尤指難做的任務或工作):He gets through his work at 10.

度過,熬過(困難或不快的時期); It is hard to see how people will get through the winter

消耗,用完(大量某物)If you

get through a large amount of something, you use it.

使理解;使明白 If you get through to someone, you succeed in making them understand something that you are trying to tell them.

Get on (with)與某人相處

They get on well with their boss.

Get + A Place | Expressions with GET

Get home 到家

What time did you get home last night?

Get to the office 到達辦公室

When he got to the office he found a mountain of mail waiting for him.

Get there 到達那兒

We’ll never get there if he doesn’t speed up.

Get + Direct Object/Noun

Get an e-mail 收到郵件

I got an email from Danielle last week.

Get a present 收到禮物

I got a present for my baby granddaughter in a hurry.

Get an award 收到獎勵

He got an award for bravery.

Get a job 得到工作

They had to get a job

to supplement the family income.

Get + Past Participle | Expressions with GET

Get worried 開始擔心

They get worried too much about their duties.

Get involved 捲入

He got involved in a silly problem.

Get confused 變得困惑

Miss Taylor gets confused with just a few files.

Get married 結婚

We’re getting married next year.

Get divorced 離婚

Linda got divorced ten years ago, and she hasn’t seen her ex-husband since!


