




List of Expressions with Take:

<code>Take (sb) to court
Take (sb’s) temperature
Take a bite
Take a bow
Take a break
Take a call
Take a chance
Take a class
Take a decision (make)
Take a holiday
Take a lesson
Take a look
Take a message
Take a nap
Take a number
Take a photo/ a photograph
Take a picture
Take a rest
Take a risk
Take a seat
Take a shower (have)
Take a step
Take a taxi/bus/train/plane
Take a test
Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes
Take action
Take advantage (of)
Take advice
Take ages
Take an exam/ a test/ a course
Take care of
Take charge (of)
Take drugs
Take exercise
Take medicine
Take notes

Take notice
Take part
Take place
Take pride in
Take somebody’s place
Take someone’s temperature
Take time
Take turns
Take up space
Take your time/<code>

Examples of Collocations with Take:

Take (sb) to court 把(某人)告上法庭

  • I will take you to court if you persist in pestering my client.

Take (sb’s) temperature 量體溫

  • We take temperature readings every two hours.

Take a bite 咬一口

  • I make up a soft taco and take a bite

Take a bow 鞠躬

  • During the show, I could barely take a bow.

Take a break 休息一下

  • I wanted to take a break and work on some things.

Take a call 打電話

  • Apologies for the delay, I had to take a call.

Take a chance 試試看

  • We will take a chance to have the party outdoor.

Take a class 參加課程

  • You could just walk in, sit down and take a class.

Take a decision (make) 做出決定

  • You have to take lots of decisions in life.

Take a holiday 度假

  • He had intended to take a holiday in New York.

Take a lesson 吸取教訓

  • I might take a lesson from you.

Take a look 看一眼

  • I’ll take a look at the website and let you know what I think.

Take a message 留言 =leave a message

  • The manager is out, can I take a message?

Take a message 留言 =leave a message

Take a nap 打盹

  • I usually take a nap after lunch.

Take a number 花費

  • I think it will take a number of months for this to play out.

Take a photo/ a photograph 照相

  • Why did you take so many photos on holiday?

Take a picture 照相

  • Could I take a picture of you?

Take a rest 休息一下

  • Take a rest from your hard work.

Take a risk 冒險

  • She is left with little choice but to take a risk.

Take a seat 請坐

  • Take a seat while I get you something to drink.

Take a shower (have) 洗個澡

  • I usually take a shower before having my breakfast.

Take a step 邁出一步

  • I take a step into the center of the circle.

Take a taxi/bus/train/plane 做出租車/公交車/火車/飛機

  • Let’s not take a taxi; we can easily walk over.

Take a test 參加考試

  • Have you taken your driving test

Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes 花費一會兒/一分鐘/五分鐘

  • It might take a while for this file to upload.

Take action 採取行動

  • We must take action to cut vehicle emissions.

Take advantage (of) 利用

  • Many schools don’t take full advantage of the Internet.

Take advice 聽取意見

  • We don’t have to take advice from him.

Take ages 慢慢來

  • It’ll probably take ages to find a parking space.

Take an exam/ a test/ a course 參加考試/課程

  • Do you have to take an exam in French?

Take care of 照顧,照看

  • We had a chance to take care of our own business.

Take charge (of) 負責,管理

  • The policeman said he would take charge of the gun.

Take drugs 吸毒

  • He does not smoke or take drugs.

Take exercise 鍛鍊

  • Take exercise if you’re out of shape.

Take medicine 喝藥

  • Take medicine when you get gripes.

Take notes 記錄筆記

  • He drew out his notebook and began to take notes.

Take notice 注意

  • This news made us all sit up and take notice.

Take part 參與,參加 take part in

  • He will take part in this contest.

Take place 發生

  • The wedding will
    take place in October.

Take pride in 引以為豪

  • I take pride in my work.

Take somebody’s place 代替某人

  • He has just begged off, can you take his place in the team?

Take someone’s temperature 測量某人的體溫

  • I took my temperature and I found that Iam running a fever.

Take time 花費時間

  • Her mental scars will take time to heal.

Take turns 輪流

  • We take turns to answer the phone.

Take up space 佔用空間

  • You take up space and you slow me down.

Take your time 慢慢來

  • Whatever you do, slow down and take your time.





