
原標題:Exclusive: Stay off Zoom and Google Hangouts, Standard Chartered chief tells staff

報道:Anshuman Daga,Imani Moise

補充報道:Elizabeth Dilts-Marshall和紐約的John McCrank

編輯:Lauren Tara LaCapra,Bernard Orr和Rosalba O'Brien

SINGAPORE/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Standard Chartered Plc (STAN.L) is the first major global bank to tell employees not to use Zoom Video Communications Inc (ZM.O) during the coronavirus pandemic due to cybersecurity concerns, according to a memo seen by Reuters.

新加坡/紐約(路透社)- 一項備忘錄顯示,渣打銀行是第一家出於網絡安全考慮而告誡員工在冠狀病毒流行期間不要使用Zoom的大型跨國銀行。

The message, sent by Chief Executive Officer Bill Winters to managers last week, also warned against using Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google Hangouts platform for virtual gatherings.

該消息是由首席執行官比爾·溫特斯(Bill Winters)於上週發給經理的,同時也警告不要通過Alphabet公司的谷歌環聊平臺進行網絡會議。

Neither service offers the level of encryption of conversations that rivals like Cisco System Inc’s (CSCO.O) Webex, Microsoft Corp’s (MSFT.O) Teams or Blue Jeans Network Inc do, industry experts said.

業內專家說,這兩項服務都沒有提供與其競爭對手思科公司的Webex,微軟公司的Teams或Blue Jeans網絡公司同級別的對話加密。

A Standard Chartered spokeswoman declined to comment on a Reuters query on the memo. She said cybersecurity remains a top priority and that staff can use several authorized tools for audio and video conferencing.


The London-based bank is the latest entity to distance itself from Zoom after interlopers exposed security flaws by bursting into strangers’ video chats in the nude, inserting lewd images into presentations, or hurling racial slurs at participants.


These “Zoombombing” incidents have rattled all kinds of users, as hoards of business people, students, families and friends flocked to the service to stay connected while isolating during the pandemic. Zoom in March had about 200 million people using its system every day, up from 10 million at the end of last year.

這些“ Zoom炸彈”事件激怒了所有用戶,大批商人,學生,家人和朋友因疫情流行隔離而開始大量使用該服務。3月份時,每天使用Zoom系統的人數約為2億,而去年年底該人數僅為1000萬人。

Banks have particular worries about cybersecurity because of regulations that can penalize them for exposing customer information, even if inadvertently.


Standard Chartered staff are mostly using Blue Jeans, said two employees who were not authorized to speak on the matter.

兩名未獲發表評論授權的員工說,渣打銀行員工大多使用Blue Jeans。

The bank joins others ranging from Elon Musk’s SpaceX to New York City’s public school system and governments in Taiwan and Germany in placing restrictions on Zoom.

該銀行與埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)的SpaceX,紐約市公立學校系統,中國臺灣省政府和德國政府一起對Zoom施加了限制。

In a statement, Zoom said many global customers including financial firms, telecommunications companies, universities, and government agencies had performed “exhaustive security reviews” of its technology and chosen it as a service.


Founded and headed by former Cisco manager Eric Yuan, Zoom last week tapped former Facebook Inc (FB.O) security chief Alex Stamos as an adviser on safety and privacy concerns to quell the global backlash against its perceived flaws.

由思科前經理埃裡克·袁(Eric Yuan)創立和領導的Zoom上週聘請前臉書安全負責人亞歷克斯·斯塔莫斯(Alex Stamos)作為安全和隱私問題的顧問,以消除全球對其存在的缺陷的強烈反應。



Choosing a communications provider is tricky for banks, which have to balance security concerns, data-access needs and the preferences of clients and employees, who may wander off to another service outside official channels if rules are too stringent.


Industry workers described a mixed experience with video chats in the age of the coronavirus.


Two JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) employees said they regularly hold meetings on Zoom. It is one of a few videoconferencing tools the bank allows, including Blue Jeans.

摩根大通的兩名員工表示,他們定期在Zoom上舉行會議。Zoom是銀行允許的幾種視頻會議工具之一,Blue Jeans也是。

Some Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) employees have been holding virtual “pub outings” on Zoom, where they connect after work with a cocktail or beer in hand to chat, a source said. The bank’s chief technology officer told staff in an April 3 video that they could use Zoom and Blue Jeans.

消息人士稱,高盛集團的一些員工一直在Zoom上舉行網絡“酒吧郊遊”——下班後他們會用這種方式手持雞尾酒或啤酒聊天。該銀行的首席技術官在4月3日的一段視頻中告訴員工,他們可以使用Zoom和Blue Jeans。

Morgan Stanley (MS.N) employees are also allowed to use Zoom, among other options, a source there said. Barclays Plc (BARC.L) only uses Zoom if a client requests it, according to a source. People at Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N) and Citigroup Inc (C.N) said Zoom is not a familiar option at their banks, which rely on other services.


The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a self-regulatory group for U.S. brokers, is also still using Zoom after security experts worked through some issues with the company, Thomas Gira, who heads market regulation, said in an interview.

市場監管負責人托馬斯·吉拉(Thomas Gira)在接受採訪時表示,在安全專家解決了公司的某些問題之後,美國經紀人的自我監管組織——金融業監管局仍在使用Zoom。

