
1. We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema. A. has started B. will have started C. will start D. may start

  2. But for sunlight, there ____ no moonlight.

  A. will be B. would be C. had been D. was

  3. All flights ____ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.

  A. had been cancelled B. were cancelled

  C. have been cancelled D. having been cancelled

  4. ____seeing the damage he had done, he felt ashamed. A. By B. On C. At D. For

  5. It is high time you ____that you are not the most important person in the world.

  A. realized B. have realized C. realizes D. will realize

  6. These two are similar ____they both have a high rainfall during this season. A. to that B. besides that C. in that D. except that

  7. If he hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ____here now.

  A. wouldn’t be smiling B. won’t smile C. couldn’t have smiled D. didn’t smile

  8. We will visit Huangshan next year ____we have enough money. A. lest B. until C. unless D. provided

  9. The older worker and the young each ____their own tools. A. have B. has C. are having D. is having

  10. William told his wife ____ .

  A. to have his shoes shone B. to have his shoes shined C. to have his shoes shining D. shine his shoes

  11. The World Trade Center, the top ____ is 410 meters high, is the tallest building in the world.

  A. of which B. which C. of whose D. that

  12. Only when the war was over in 1945 ____ to his hometown.

  A. did he return B. he did return C. he returned D. had he returned

  13. His honesty is ____ nobody can doubt it. A. in question B. out of question C. beside the question D. without question

  14. It was not until he took up fishing that he ____ to relax. A. had been beginning B. began C. had begun D. beginning

  15. Not only you but also I ____ mistaken on this point. A. are B. were C. have D. am

  16. The task wasn’t easy, but we managed it____ .

  A. anyhow B. somehow C. any way D. some way

  17. Jane has just ____a letter from a friend of hers in England.

  A. returned B. answered C. offered D. replied

  18. Mr. John had given no ____ that he was intending to resign.

  A. direction B. symptom C. information D. indication

  19. As she opened the gate the lion gave a loud ____and bounded at her.

  A. yell B. cry C. roar D. shout

  20. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ____ what he said.

  A. catch B. listen C. get D. take


  1. B)【句意】我們晚點了,估計在我們到達電影院之前電影就已經開始了。 【難點】該句子中的expect意為“考慮,估計”;by the time 意為“在„之前”,常和將來完成時連用。

  2. B)【句意】要是沒有陽光,也就不會有月光。

  【難點】英語中經常用介詞短語表示虛擬條件,常用的這類介詞短語為: without,in the absence of,but for等。本句中的虛擬語氣表示與現在事實相反的一種假設,故主句中謂語為would be。

  3. D)【句意】因為暴風雪,所有航班被取消,所以許多乘客只好坐火車。 【難點】該句逗號前是一個獨立結構,邏輯主語是All flights,邏輯謂語的動作在那時業已完成,所以選擇having been cancelled。

  4. B)【句意】看到自己造成的損壞,他覺得非常羞愧。

  【難點】“on +動名詞”往往用於句中表示時間狀語,意為“在„時候”,是一常用的固定搭配。

  5. A)【句意】你該意識到你並不是世界上最重要的人。 【難點】虛擬語氣也常用於it is high time that 的結構中,意為“該„了”。that 從句中的謂語一般用一般過去時。

  6. C)【句意】這兩個地區相似,因為它們這個季節的降水量都很大。

  【難點】從句子結構和句意分析可知,兩個句子之間構成因果關係,而能夠表示因果關係的連詞只有 in that,意為“原因是,原因在於”,常放在第二個句子的句首,表示第一句中事件發生的原因。

  7. A)【句意】如果你掉下來的時候,他沒站在梯子下接住你,你現在就不會還在這兒笑眯眯的了。

  【難點】此句為一錯綜時間條件句,從句表示與過去事實相反的一個假設,按照常規虛擬語氣的要求,主句中的謂語動詞應為wouldn’t have smiled才能表示與過去事實相反;但從時間狀語判斷,主句實際要表達的是與現在事實相反,所以謂語動詞為wouldn’t be smiling。

  8. D)【句意】假如我們有足夠的錢,明年我們就去遊黃山。

  【難點】provided 意為“假若”,相當於if 或on condition that,常用於引導條件狀語從句。lest意為“以防,以免”,由其引導的從句常常用虛擬語氣。until 的用法為:如果主句的謂語動詞為延續性動詞的肯定式,則until意為“直到,到„為止”;如果主句中的謂語動詞為非延續性動詞,則主句應該用否定式,此時until意為“直到„才”。unless 意為“除非,如果不”,相當於if not。

  9. A)【句意】年長和年輕的這兩位工人各有自己的工具。


  10. B)【句意】威廉告訴自己的妻子給他擦皮鞋。

  【難點】have sth done 是一個常見句型,意為“使某事被做”;shine 作擦皮鞋講時,過去分詞是shined”。

  11. A)【句意】高410米的世界貿易中心是世界上最高的建築。 【難點】如果定語從句中要強調先行詞的某一部分,則通常用“名詞+介詞+關係代詞”構成的定語從句。此類定語從句中的關係代詞必須按照先行詞來確定。

12. A)【句意】直到1945年戰爭結束後他才回到家鄉。


  13. D)【句意】他的誠實是無可懷疑的,沒有人能懷疑這一點。

  【難點】without question 意為“無可懷疑的”。in question 意為“在考慮中的,在議論中的”。out of question 意為“不成問題”。beside the question 無此搭配。

  14. B)【句意】直到他開始以釣魚為樂,他才開始得到了輕鬆的休息。


  15. D)【句意】不僅你,我也在這點上犯了錯誤。

  【難點】按照英語語法,由not only…but also構成的主語,其謂語動詞應按照就近關係,因此此句只能選擇D)。

  16. B)【句意】這項任務不易完成,但我們還是想辦法完成了

  【難點】somehow 意為“以某種方式,用某種方法”;anyhow 意為“無論用何種方法”;any way 意為“任何方式”,是名詞;some way 是“某種方式”,也是名詞。 17. B)【句意】簡剛剛給她英國的一個朋友回了一封信。

  【難點】answer a letter 意為“回信”,此時,answer不能換成reply 。return意為“歸還,退回”,offer意為“提出”。

  18. D)【句意】約翰先生沒有作出打算辭職的暗示。

  【難點】indication 意為“暗示,跡象”;direction 意為“方面,方向,指令”;symptom意為“徵兆,徵候”;information意為“消息,情報”。

  19. C)【句意】她打開大門,獅子大吼一聲,向她撲去。

  【難點】roar 意為“吼聲,怒號;轟鳴”;yell 意為“叫喊,號叫”;cry 意為“喊叫;哭”;shout意為“呼喊”,但和yell不同。shout強調一個人以最高音調喊叫,以與周圍聲音對抗,可表示憤怒或救援等;yell指響亮而刺耳的喊聲,尤指求救的喊聲或運動時發出的不由自主的叫聲。

  20. A)【句意】他說的非常快,我沒聽懂他說什麼。

  【難點】catch 意為“聽清楚,領會,理解”;listen 指“(注意地)聽”;get 意為“學會;掌握;記住”;take 意為“領會接受”。

