

I remember a day when I was very small, and my mother took me to a fair, and I got lost. After searching without finding her, I set out for home by myself. I walked up one road, down another, expecting to stumble on something recognizable. But everywhere the unfamiliar houses seemed unfriendly and forbidding. Afraid to knock on any door, I crept close to a tree in an empty corner lot and fell into the sleep of exhaustion.



At dusk I awakened. The first of night was seeping into the neighborhood, shadow by shadow. A pale wash of sunset pinked chimneys and rooftops. As I watched, the sky darkened to the deep, translucent blue of almost-evening, and a brilliant first star appeared-my own reliable wishing star, right where it belonged.


Suddenly my world was righted. This was the magic time when wishes were made and faces washed, when daddies appeared and babies had baths-a friendly time. Without hesitation, I ran to the nearest door and banged on it. Within an hour I was safely home.


My parents asked why I had waited so long to seek help. I could not explain. I cannot now, except to say that the enchantment of dusk is still upon me, still smoothes away my fears and lifts my spirit. I dare more at dusk.


The lights come on, for one thing?the companionable lights. Have you ever walked home on a late winter afternoon, under a leaden sky in a steady snowfall, and been surprised by the silent coming-on of street lights? All in a moment, they line the road like transforming angels, their frosty halos sparkling, and you go the rest of the way guarded and at peace.


Dusk is for homecoming, a wonderfully hollow-and-hungry-for-dinner hour. Telling of his boyhood in a small English village, Laurie Lee writes exuberantly, "The day was over and we had used it, running errands or prowling the fields. We returned to the kitchen, back to its smoky comfort. Every stone in the path as I ran down home shook my bones with arriving joy."


But almost as good as returning home at day's end is the exhilarating business of faring forth then. There is no better time to take a train to the city than in the precious interval between day and night, when the blue air seems strung with excitement, almost tasting of adventure. Or to walk in a quiet country lane as the sparrows cheep sleepily, and night insects awaken to begin a fine musical clamor. Listen to that cricket!


Meanwhile, nearly forgotten, the last lovely light of day is caught on a pond and behind a hill, back of your barn and around the corner. But when you look again, it will be gone.


To go out……to go somewhere and meet the evening……



