





I hope this email finds you and your families well in these uncertain times.


As you may be aware, a progress report was released today, April 22, that outlines XXX's current achievement for the year.如你所知,今天(4月22日)我們發佈了一份進度報告,上面概述了XXX目前在讀課程的成績。

I am reaching out to you to let you know that, based on current work, XXX has not achieved a passing grade in Writing 2203. 我聯繫你的目的是想讓你知道,根據目前XXX的表現,他在寫作2203這門課程沒有達到及格分數。

I want to let you know that I am going to be providing Credit Recovery (CR) opportunities so that they may improve their grade. Generally, this means that they will be given the opportunity to complete alternate work based on material that has already been covered this year so that low or missing marks can be replaced. 我想讓你知道,我將提供學分恢復(CR)的機會,以便他提高他目前的成績。常規來講,這意味著他將有機會補全及完成所有這個學期所涵蓋的作業,這樣可以替換之前獲得的低分數或缺失的分數。

Starting on April 27, this work will be offered based on what XXX has missed or what they do not have completed to a high standard. I will email the student this work as they request it, on a unit-by-unit basis, and a due date will be provided. Once the student has returned the work it will be graded and then further opportunities will be provided in the units that follow.


It is recommended that XXX utilize Google Classroom, as many notes/ prior materials will be made available on that platform, or has already been posted from previous units. Alternate CR work will be emailed directly to the student.


Please reach out to me and let me know if your child will be participating in the credit recovery opportunities so we can begin on the intended date. If you could reply once you receive this so I know you have this information, it would be greatly appreciated.


Let me know if you have any questions,如果你有任何問題請告訴我。


目前,我們已經建議家長讓學生參加學分恢復(Credit Recovery)課程了,學生表示這次要好好跟上老師的進度按照要求完成佈置的作業,爭取在期末時能取得學分。



