

1. 網紅 social media influencer/social media star

2. 人設 personality/public persona/public image

3. 崩塌:ruin/go against/fly in the face of

4. 分手:split up/break up

(1)We should stop seeing each other. 我們不應該再繼續交往了。(此處的see指和……談戀愛)

(2)I want to break up. 我想分手。

(3)I don’t want to go out with you any more. 我不想在和你談戀愛了。(go out指“談戀愛”)

5. 這種做法是徒勞的,也是極不道德的。It is futile and deeply immoral.

6. 中方抗擊疫情取得了積極成果。 China’s anti-epidemic efforts have paid off.

7. 借鑑中方的做法 emulate China’s practice

8. 充分體現了非洲人民和中國人民之間的患難與共的兄弟情誼 a strong testament of the two peoples’ brotherhood through thick and thin

9. 非中友誼深厚

歷經風雨考驗,任何外部勢力,無論出於什麼企圖,採取什麼手段,都無法阻擋非中友好關係發展。 The two sides’ profound and time-tested friendship is too strong to be affected by any attempts or ploys by external forces.

10. 中非友誼在中國和非洲大地深入人心、牢不可破 The China-Africa friendship is unbreakable as it’s deeply rooted in the heart of our people.

