
墨西哥政府於1869 年至1873 年期間鑄有自由帽天平圖鷹洋, 邊齒直邊。面值1 比索,這種新型的硬幣重量和精度都等同於之前廣泛流通的8R (雷阿爾) 花邊鷹洋, 但是東方商人不太認同這種硬幣, 其價值被打了3-4 折。這迫使墨西哥從1873 年至1897 年間又恢復了8 雷阿爾鑄幣,從而導致留存在國內的鷹洋幣極為稀少。



英文名稱:Chinese and foreign silver COINS: Mexican eagle coin, sun yat-sen's founding coin, yuan tai in the third year of the republic of China, yuan tai in the tenth year of the republic of China






1,墨西哥鷹洋:自由帽天平圖鷹洋銀元正面是一隻展翅的鷹, 嘴叼長蛇, 單腿立在造型扁平的仙人掌上, 和其它兩種鷹洋圖案有比較大的區別。正面上邊緣文字為西班牙文“REPUBLICAN MEXICANA” (墨西哥共和國)。背面上方為一頂光芒四射的小自由帽, 帽沿上方書有“LIBRTAD”(自由) 字樣。 邊齒為寬直齒型, 圖案規範統一。 有36、36.5、37、38mm。儘管直徑有些變化, 但重量一致。這也可以作為鷹洋的一個重要的鑑別和判斷依據。其中還有一些年份出現有弱打邊齒的情況,

2,中華民國開國紀念幣壹圓,正面中央為孫中山側面像,上下鑄有“中華民國開國紀念幣”隸書字樣,左右為五瓣梅花各一枝,周邊有珠點、齒狀裝飾。背面中央為隸書“壹圓”二字,左右各輔以嘉禾圖案,上側有“MEMENTO”(紀念幣)字樣,下側為“BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中華民國誕生),左右上方分列六角星圖案。此幣凝聚著千百名工藝技師的智慧源泉和美學獨特視角,品相極好,整體造型和諧,圖案設計精美,文字書寫清秀有力,銀光閃閃,精雕細琢,有較高的收藏價值



英文名稱:The founding COINS of sun yat-sen








英文名稱:Yuan dazhong in the third year of the republic of China









英文名稱:Yuan dazhong in the republic of China







英文翻譯:From 1869 to 1873, the Mexican government had a free cap, a balance, with straight teeth. With a face value of 1 peso, the new coin was the same weight and precision as the widely circulated 8R (real) lace hawk, but eastern traders were less convinced and the value was discounted by 3-4 percent. This forced Mexico to restore 8 reals from 1873 to 1897.

The collection is introduced

Mexican eagle currency

Mexican eagle dollar

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

On the front of the silver dollar is an eagle spreading its wings, with a long snake in its mouth and standing on a flat cactus on one leg. The upper margin text on the front is "REPUBLICAN MEXICANA" in Spanish. At the top of the back is a radiant little freedom hat with the words "LIBRTAD" (freedom) written on the brim. The side teeth are wide straight teeth with uniform design. We have 36, 36.5, 37, 38mm. Although the diameter varies somewhat, the weight is the same. This can also be used as an important identification and judgment basis. Some of these years have had weak edge teeth

The founding commemorative coin of the republic of China is one yuan, with a profile image of sun yat-sen in the center of the front, and "founding commemorative coin of the republic of China" in official>

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: sun yat-sen founding COINS

English name: The founding COINS of sun yat-sen

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

In the third year of the republic of China, yuan listed "the third year of the republic of China." "Year" after the word no "made" word, the other version of the "year" after the word there is a "made" word. There is a point in the three-year version of the "min" character, while other years version of the "min" character without a point yuan big head "silver coin front design, the middle is yuan shikai military decoration left side image, the top of the third version of the" republic of China for three years ", the eighth, ninth and 10th version of the "republic of China * years"; The patterns on the back are two crossed rice ears, the outer ring of the coin is mainly straight tooth edge, in addition, there is a small number of I word edge and flower tooth edge.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: yuan daodong in the third year of the republic of China

English name: Yuan dazhong in the third year of the republic of China

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

Ten years of the People's Republic of China yuan big head one yuan, front central engraved yuan shikai profile head, above engraved "ten years of the People's Republic of China made" seven words, strong and powerful font. The pattern on the back is two crossed rice ears, with the word "one round" in the center. The grain decoration is exquisite, and the package is mellow. In the republic of China, ten years yuan big production quantity is very few, and spread so far has a hundred years, therefore extremely rare. The republic of China ten years yuan big head one yuan once appeared, is the object that numerous collector competes to seize absolutely, have ultra high investment and collect value, it is the extremely fine coin that is rare in ten thousand one, be worth collector to pour affection to collect.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: yuan daodong in the republic of China

English name: Yuan dazhong in the republic of China

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

This silver is composed of four coin of different countries at different times, time span, the geographical span is great, from 1869 to 1921, the region from Mexico to China, and the silver bell abroad in domestic circulation, is rare in history, also is very good to witness The Times characteristics at that time, this set of silver appearance close to, the overall appearance is very elegant, natural oxidation to form wrapped slurry is generic, in 1952, the paper a set of prices are now over 8 million, longer silver it is conceivable that the degree of precious daughter to pre-empt a treasure is hard to find, missed will never miss it.

