


第三帝:國父孫中山(1866年11月12日-1925年3月12日),名文,字載之,號日新,又號逸仙,又名帝象,化名中山樵,偉大的民族英雄、偉大的愛國主義者、中國民主革命的偉大先驅 [1] ,中華民國和中國國民黨的締造者,三民主義的倡導者,創立了《五權憲法》。他首舉徹底反帝反封建的旗幟,“起共和而終兩千年封建帝制”。



英文名稱:Guangxu yuan treasure of 34 years in beiyang













袁大頭是民國時期主要流通貨幣之一,“袁大頭”是對袁世凱像系列硬幣的口語俗稱,嚴謹點說叫“袁世凱像背嘉禾銀幣”。北洋政府為了整頓幣制,劃一銀幣,於民國三年(1914年)二月,頒佈《國幣條例》十三條,決定實行銀本位制度。《國幣條例》規定:“以庫平純銀六錢四分八釐為價格之單位,定名為圓”,“一圓銀幣,總重七錢二分,銀八九,銅一一”,“一圓銀幣用數無限制”,即以一圓銀幣為無限法償的本位貸幣。根據這一規定,於1914年12月及1915年2月, 先後由造幣總廠及江南造幣廠開鑄一圓銀幣,幣面鐫刻袁世凱頭像,俗稱“袁頭幣”或“袁大頭”。


英文名稱:Yuan dazhong in the republic of China







中華民國開國紀念幣是近代中國錢幣中的精品,有著歷史薰陶,是價值很高的革命文物,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義;同時,還是考古和研究中國歷史文化難得的實物。 珍貴的中華民國“開國紀念幣”記錄了辛亥革命驚天動地的偉大歷史,由於歷經百年風雨,“開國紀念幣”存世量極為稀少,尤其是品相好的更為稀缺,因此很受收藏愛好者青睞。



英文名稱:The founding COINS of sun yat-sen












英文翻譯:See red circles, this is a beautiful version of the long tail long cloud, African hawk claw, this special version of the coin, which highlight the value of it, pay attention to hidden in collecting 'unique' this money can be said to be emperor guangxu stove in a special skill, and in the revolutionary movement that followed, lead to currency instability, silver than Qian Gui, huge amounts of silver have been destroyed to make ChengYinQi, plus the opium war, the qing government debt, 200, two thousand silver, lead to a large number of outflow of silver, silver and popular is rare.

This collection is made of high-quality silver material with exquisite design, exquisite shape, exquisite decoration, reasonable layout, exquisite workmanship, lifelike decoration, smooth and elegant lines, deep lines, strong sense of floatation, touch it, you can feel the scattered patterns on the currency surface on the fingertips, feel very good! The front of the collection shows the integration of manchu and han cultures, while the back shows the integration of Chinese and western cultures. It is a true portrayal of the social background of the historical period with a distinct and strong historical charm. It has profound historical value, great significance and great significance for investment and collection.

Yuan big head is one of the main currency in the republic of China period, "yuan big head" is the colloquial common name of the series of COINS like yuan shikai, the strict point said called "yuan shikai like back jiahe silver coin". In order to rectify the monetary system, the beiyang government issued article 13 of the national monetary regulations in February of the third year of the republic of China (1914) and decided to implement the silver standard system. "National currency regulation" regulation: "with kuping sterling silver six money four cent eight cent for the price of the unit, the name is yuan", "a silver coin, the total weight of seven money two, silver nine nine, copper one", "a silver coin with the number of unlimited", that is, with a silver coin for the infinite method of standard loan money. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, the coinage general factory and jiangnan mint successively began to cast a round silver coin, engraved with the head of yuan shikai, commonly known as "yuan tou yuan" or "yuan dun".

Chinese name: yuan daodong in the republic of China

English name: Yuan dazhong in the republic of China

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Emperor :(guangxu emperor) aixingioro tiantian (August 14, 1871 -- November 14, 1908), emperor of the qing dynasty, was the eleventh emperor and the ninth emperor after he made Beijing his capital. Father alcohol pro Wang Yi ð «  1/2 level, biological mother Ye He that la wan zhen for the dowager empress dowager Reign for 34 years, year title "guangxu".

The second emperor :(yuan shikai) yuan shikai made his fortune in Korea in his early years. During the New Deal in the late qing dynasty, modernization reform was actively promoted. During the 1911 revolution, puyi was forced to abdicate, overthrow the qing dynasty peacefully and become the provisional President of the republic of China. In 1913, he suppressed the second revolution and was elected as the first President of the republic of China in the same year. In 1914, he promulgated the constitution of the republic of China. The move met with opposition from all sides, triggering a movement to protect the country. Yuan shikai had to cancel the imperial system after being the emperor for 83 days. He died of uremia on June 6, 1916 and was buried in anyang, henan province.

The third emperor: sun yat (November 12, 1866 - March 12, 1925), name, word of load, nissin, yat-sen again, also known as emperor, alias zhongshan firewood, great national hero, a great patriot, a great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution [1], the architects of the republic of China and the Chinese kuomintang, the three people's principles and created the "five-power constitution". He first raised the banner of thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, "from the republic to the end of two thousand years of feudal monarchy".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: guangxu yuan treasure of 34 years in beiyang

English name: Guangxu yuan treasure of 34 years in beiyang

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

Beiyang 34 years silver coin, is issued in 1908 beiyang government silver coin, silver coin and other version of the number of the world is not proportional. The foundry made the steel mill for beiyang. It was the 34th year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty.

Guangxu yuan bao is the first currency of large denomination in the guangxu period of the qing dynasty. Guangdong province made guangxu silver piece in the history of modern Chinese machine COINS belong to a big series, the casting period lasted very long (in the guangxu 34 years guangxu 22 years - [1896] 1908), after more than ten years, coin change several times, even if the same year also often since repairing mold, material, technology, factory management, and many other factors, causing abnormal bottle multifarious.

Beiyang made kuping seven qian two, fine appearance, round paste, rust color old, simple and elegant, distinct traces of history, natural historical transition, very artistic value and historical value. On the front of the coin, the bead ring is full of Chinese characters such as "guangxu yuan bao", "made in beiyang" in the upper ring and "kuping seven COINS and two cents" in the lower ring.

The coin is flat dragon in the middle of the picture, surrounded by English, the left side of the flat dragon can see the Arabic numerals "34", thus it can be seen that this coin is the north sea made 34 years guangxu yuan treasure, very precious.

Positive are five yuan shikai profile, the above calendar, silver COINS, ten years of the republic of China for a "perfect", the collection value is extremely high, big head big head is called yuan yuan because behind this silver was printed with yuan shikai side face of the photo, and it also issued by his silver medal, the first silver valuable is that it, unlike the yuan, the reasons of it from foreign afferent phase consists of the qing dynasty to yuan shikai in order to solve the problem of the military after xinhai revolution as well as an important means to improve the personal status, from here, although he is not popular but the history behind the silver dollar value is not small peep.

The founding commemorative COINS of the republic of China are among the finest modern Chinese COINS, which have been influenced by history and are highly valued revolutionary cultural relics with far-reaching historical commemorative significance. At the same time, it is a rare object for archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. The precious "founding COINS" of the republic of China recorded the great history of the 1911 revolution. After hundreds of years of wind and rain, the "founding COINS" are rare in the world, especially in good condition.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: sun yat-sen founding COINS

English name: The founding COINS of sun yat-sen

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Phase: beauty

The 1912 edition of "sun xiaotou", or the six-star edition, is the first republic of China founding commemorative coin to be minted by the nanjing mint in 1912 (the first year of the republic of China). In the center of the front is a profile portrait of sun yat-sen, and the Chinese characters "republic of China" in official>

On the reverse side of the coin, there is the word "one yuan" in the center. On both sides of the coin are pictures of wheat ears. On the front of the coin, there is a picture of sun yat-sen with the Chinese character "republic of China" on the head and the Chinese character "founding commemorative coin" on the bottom.

Sun xiaotou founding COINS, the first batch of the first cast, that year was exchanged for the purchase and preservation, so it is preserved the most beautiful picture, must be the orthodox "top money of the republic of China", the front side of the central sun yat-sen next to the face of a small head, the outer ring above the official>

Collect exquisite: 'Tibet head' 'Tibet tail' 'Tibet qi' 'Tibet absolutely' these four Tibet

The first of the three COINS: 'beiyang' is the 'tail' of guangxu emperor. Guangxu died in the same year, puyi ascended the throne. The second coin is: sun yat-sen's founding commemorative coin, he overthrew the feudal dynasty, is just the beginning of the republic of China, which is hidden to the 'head'. The third coin: yuan big head, yuan shikai is a generation of fierce hero in 1915 and ready to declare the emperor, when the emperor 83 days is over, can become a unique, whether it is the north sea long beard dragon, long tail, or the perfect decade of the republic of China yuan big head, which let us hide to 'absolutely'. During the period of the republic of China, only sun yat-sen and yuan had big heads, which made us hide in qi. With these four collections, its collection value is very high.

This 3 a group abbreviation: '3 emperor silver dollar' is destined to witness brilliant in coin collection bound.

