
李白(701年-762年) ,字太白,號青蓮居士,又號“謫仙人”,唐代偉大的浪漫主義詩人,被後人譽為“詩仙”,與杜甫並稱為“李杜”,為了與另兩位詩人李商隱與杜牧即“小李杜”區別,杜甫與李白又合稱“大李杜”。據《新唐書》記載,李白為興聖皇帝(涼武昭王李暠)九世孫,與李唐諸王同宗。其人爽朗大方,愛飲酒作詩,喜交友。

Li Bai (701-762), a great romantic poet in Tang Dynasty, was called "the immortal of poetry" by later generations and "Li Du" by Du Fu. In order to be different from the other two poets, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, namely "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai were also called "Da Li Du". According to the book of the new Tang Dynasty, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of emperor Xingsheng (Liang Wuzhao Wang Li Bi), who was the same clan as the kings of the Tang Dynasty. He is frank and generous. He likes drinking, writing poems and making friends.



Li Bai was deeply influenced by Huang laolizhuang's thoughts. Li Taibai's collection was handed down. Most of his poems were written when he was drunk. His representative works include the waterfall of Wanglu mountain, the road is difficult, the road is difficult, the wine is coming, the Ming Tang Fu and the city of white emperor early.


Li Bai's Ci and Fu are biographies of Song people (such as Wenying's xiangshanyelu). In terms of their pioneering significance and artistic achievements, "Li Bai's Ci" enjoys a very high status.



Li Bai, the great poet of Tang Dynasty, was praised as "the immortal of poetry" by later generations, but his poetry name was too big to cover up his calligraphy. In fact, he also made great achievements in calligraphy.


Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, is praised as a poem fairy by later generations. His poem name is too big to cover up his calligraphy. In fact, he has made great achievements in calligraphy.



Li Bai, the word is Taibai, the number is Qinglian. Han nationality, whose ancestral home is Chengji County, Longxi County (now south of Jingning County, Pingliang City, Gansu Province), was born in Changlong County, mianzhou, Shujun county (now Qinglian Township, Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province), and was born in Xiyu fragmentary leaf (now Kyrgyz Tokamak). He died in Dangtu County, Anhui Province. There are more than one thousand poems in the world, and Li Taibai's collection has been handed down.


In his whole life, Li Bai didn't show his fame, but he had high expectations. He despised the dignitaries with cloth clothes, ridiculed the hierarchical order with political power as the center, criticized the political phenomenon of corruption, and promoted the heroism spirit in the culture of the Tang Dynasty with a bold attitude of resistance.



Li Bai's poetry creation has a strong subjective color, which is mainly manifested in his heroic spirit and passionate feelings, and rarely makes a detailed description of the objective things and specific time. Free and easy temperament, proud of independent personality, easy to touch and easy to break out of strong emotions, form the distinctive features of Libai's lyric style. He often erupts, once the emotion is aroused, it rushes out uncontrollably, just like the sky's gale and the overflowing volcano.



His imagination is strange, often has unusual connection, changes with the flow of love.

專家推薦:李白(701-762),字太白,號青蓮居士。唐朝詩人,有“詩仙”之稱,是偉大的浪漫主義詩人此篇長幅書法其章法大小錯落,通幅跳躍動盪 ,渾樸飽滿又天真爛漫,給人以雄壯遼闊、氣象不凡之感。雄壯遼闊在於用筆的粗獷沉著,筆筆水分充足飽滿。書寫時又緩緩推進,筆筆到位 。整個作品幅式很小,卻體現了一種蒼茫、渾厚之感,文中大字小字、小字大字互相交錯,真如前人所說“如老翁攜幼前行,長短參差,而情 義真摯”。其書蒼勁雄渾而又氣勢飄逸,用筆縱放自如,雄健流暢,恰是《李白墓碑》中稱其“思高筆逸”的絕佳寫照。觀此書法面目,蒼勁 雄渾而又氣勢飄逸,其落筆天縱,收筆處一放開鋒,用筆縱放自如,快健流暢,一如李白豪放、俊逸的詩風,與古人評論相一致,詩如其人, 書亦如其人也。再現了李白“筆落驚風雨”的飄逸豪放,在這豪邁雋逸的行草背後,李白的狂放瀟灑躍然紙上。其落筆天縱,收筆處一放開鋒,更難得有乾隆,雍正“古希天子”“乾隆御覽之寶”“雍正宸翰”等皇帝印章,歷來只知道故宮有李白《上陽臺帖》此藏品可以說是絕無僅有,彌補歷史上的空白。

Expert recommendation: Li Bai (701-762), the word Taibai, No. Qinglian resident. Tang Dynasty poet, known as "the immortal of poetry", is a great romantic poet. This long piece of calligraphy has a staggering size of its rules, a jumping and turbulent, simple, full and innocent, giving people a sense of grandeur, vastness and extraordinary atmosphere. The majestic and broad lies in the rough and calm use of the pen, and the water content of the pen is sufficient and full. When writing, it is pushed slowly and the pen is in place. The style of the whole work is very small, but it reflects a sense of boundless and thick. The big and small characters in the text are interlaced with each other, as the predecessors said, "like the old man carrying his children forward, the length is uneven, and the sentiment is sincere.". The book is vigorous, vigorous and elegant. It is free to use the pen vertically, vigorous and fluent. It is just the best portrayal of "thinking high and writing easy" in Libai tombstone. Looking at the face of this calligraphy, it is vigorous, vigorous and elegant. When it is written, it is free and smooth. Just like Li Bai's bold and elegant style of poetry, it is consistent with the comments of the ancients. Poems are like people and books are like people. It reappears Li Bai's elegant and unrestrained style of "the pen falls in the wind and rain". Behind this heroic and meaningful walking grass, Li Bai's unrestrained and unrestrained style leaps to the paper. As soon as the pen is closed, it is even more difficult to have the seals of Emperor Qianlong, such as Yongzheng's "Guxi Tianzi", "Qianlong's treasure of imperial reading" and "Yongzheng Chenhan". It has always been known that the Palace Museum has only Libai's "on the balcony post" which is unique, making up for the gap in history.



The following is the content of this calligraphy:


Today's banquet


Today's good banquet is hard to show joy


Playing the zither makes a new sound


Make Germany sing high words, understand music and listen to its truth


The meaning of the same wish is not expressed


Life sends a life, dying suddenly like wind dust


Why don't we go to Gaozu? We need Lujin first


To keep the poor and humble without doing anything, to make Ke suffer for a long time



There are tall buildings in the Northwest


There are tall buildings in the Northwest


There are tall buildings in the northwest, which are in line with the floating clouds.


Three steps of a pavilion


There is a song on the string. How sad is the sound


Who can sing for this? Qi Liang's wife


With the development of the Qing Dynasty, Zhongqu is wandering


Sighing and sighing again and again


No matter how hard the singer is, he will not hurt his bosom friend



Crossing the river, picking hibiscus, orchid and grass,


August 22, Shangyuan

