04.28 No more interruption.帶著各自的驕傲,從此不再打擾


No more interruption.帶著各自的驕傲,從此不再打擾

訪客裡出現久違的名字 說不出驚喜還是心痛 好久不見 別來無恙

A long lost name in the visitor says no surprise or heartache for a long time.

No more interruption.帶著各自的驕傲,從此不再打擾

從相遇的那天起 我的風景就一直是你

From the day I met, my scenery has always been you.

No more interruption.帶著各自的驕傲,從此不再打擾

總是先動心的人先走 後動心的人最痛

Those who are always tempted to leave first are the most painful.

No more interruption.帶著各自的驕傲,從此不再打擾

我的征途可不是星辰大海 是我喜歡的人

My journey is not the stars, but the sea is my favorite.

No more interruption.帶著各自的驕傲,從此不再打擾

每個嘴上說不想談戀愛的人 大概心裡都裝著一個不可能的人吧

People who say that they don't want to be in love on their lips probably have an impossible person in their hearts.

