Thinking and discussing 安排會議時間

Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間


Word vocabulary

詞彙 工作詞彙

  • I'm a manager in a paper company.
  • 我是一家造紙公司的經理。
  • I arrive at the office at 8:30.
  • 我八點半到辦公室。
  • I check my emails.
  • 我查看電子郵件。
  • I have meetings.
  • 我有會要開。
  • again
  • 再次

  • [INTERVIEWER] So, what do you do?

    [PAUL] I'm a manager in a paper company.

    [INTERVIEWER] A paper company?

    [PAUL] Yes.

    [INTERVIEWER] Could you tell me about your day at work?

    [PAUL] Well, I arrive at the office at 8:30,

    [PAUL] I check my emails,

    [PAUL] ... and in the afternoon, I have meetings.

    [PAUL] Then I check my emails, again.

    [INTERVIEWER] Do you like your job?

    [PAUL] Well, it's um ... no.

    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    have a meeting


    /hæv ə ˈmiːtɪŋ/

    to get together with people to talk about or decide something

    1. Let's have a meeting to plan the new schedule.
    2. have a meeting downtown
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    talk to colleagues


    /tɔːk tə ˈkɑːliːɡz/

    to speak with people at work

    1. Did you talk to colleagues about the problem at work?
    2. talk to colleagues during a coffee break
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    give a presentation


    /ɡɪv ə ˌpriːzenˈteɪʃn/

    to stand up in front of a group and share information on something, such as a new product or idea, usually for business

    1. I have to give a presentation on the new marketing plan tomorrow.
    2. give a presentation to the class
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    write a note


    /raɪt ə noʊt/

    to make a short record of something or to or pass on written information

    1. She wrote a note to her colleague to remind her of the meeting.
    2. write a note to the teacher
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    read a report


    /riːd ə rɪˈpɔːrt/

    to read papers containing information about something

    1. I have to read a report before the meeting tomorrow.
    2. read a report about sales
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    take a coffee break


    /teɪk ə ˈkɔːfi breɪk/

    to stop working for a short time to drink a cup of coffee or tea and sometimes socialize with others

    1. Ruth and Margaret always take a coffee break together.
    2. take a coffee break in the morning
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    check emails


    /tʃek ˈiːmeɪlz/

    to open and read messages sent through a computer

    1. Jason usually checks emails when he first gets to work.
    2. I can check emails on my phone.
    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

    make a phone call


    /meɪk ə foʊn kɔːl/

    to use the telephone to call and talk to someone

    1. Brenda left the room to make a phone call.
    2. make a phone call from the office


    語法 用‘can’請求

    Grammar Requests with 'can'

    用於表達請求的 Can 和 can't
    'Can' and 'can't' for requests

    Use the word can at the beginning of a sentence to make an informal request.

    在句首使用單詞 can 表達非正式請求。

    Use the short answer Yes, I can to give a positive response.

    使用簡短的回答 Yes, I can 表示肯定,

    Use the short answer No, I can't to give a negative response.

    使用簡短的回答 No, I can't 表示否定。



    A: Can you help me?


    B: Yes, I





    A: Can you help me?


    B: No, I can't.


    For longer, more detailed answers, use the words can and can't with the base form of the verb.

    回答如果更長更詳細,請使用 cancan't 搭配動詞原形。

    I can meet at 3 o'clock.


    I can't eat lunch with you.

    When you refuse a request, you should use the phrase I'm sorry, but to apologize.

    拒絕請求時,您應使用短語 I'm sorry, but 道歉。

    A: Can you come to a meeting at 4:15?


    B: I'm sorry, but I can't.


    Can we meet at 1 this afternoon?


    I'm sorry, but I can't.


    Well, what about 3?


    I'm not free at 3.


    Well, when are you free?


    I'm free at 4.


    OK. Let's meet at 4 o'clock.


    Thinking and discussing  安排會議時間

